Jingjing Sun
         Monster-DIVINATION WINE
         Lust & Temperance
           2024  Paris  Summer Olympic  Games & Le  Chocolat  des Francais
           Redesign the cover of 《 I FEEL 》 digital album


         Dowry Death
           Guinness World Record-Pica
         Donald Trump

         Dynamic Poster
         Visual Music

         Spoof “Scream”
           “Six God”

         The Legend of Zelda-Temple Guide

         Ink Experiment
           3D  Poster
         GIF  Expression

Email: jsun79136@gmail.com
Instagram: @JJ_WEJJ
Freeze Thur Apr 18 2024 The word "freeze" reminds me of social phobia. Also known as social anxiety disorder, it is an emotional disorder characterized by feeling intense anxiety and fear in social situations. Especially in China's wine table culture and dating culture, we are always forced by the environment to face a large number of strangers and communicate with them. In such situations, people, especially those with social phobia, are frozen, afraid to speak, afraid to move. They tend to avoid social activities in some ways, such as playing mobile phones and so on.

Therefore, in the picture, I want to express it like this: the main character wearing a frog mask is immersed in the world of mobile phones. In the background, countless eyeballs sit around the table, even if there is delicious food in front of them, they are still immersed in their mobile phones, unable to extricate themselves. However, on the plate is not food, but one by one eyeballs. These eyeballs on the plate symbolize the strangers who are looking at you and interacting with you during the meal. I used a symmetrical composition to express a sense of balance, stability, solemnity and solemnity. In addition, the eyeballs on the plate give a strong sense of pressure and tension, especially the largest, bloodstained eyeballs on the lower plate looking upward.

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