Jingjing Sun
         Monster-DIVINATION WINE
         Lust & Temperance
           2024  Paris  Summer Olympic  Games & Le  Chocolat  des Francais
           Redesign the cover of 《 I FEEL 》 digital album


         Dowry Death
           Guinness World Record-Pica
         Donald Trump

         Dynamic Poster
         Visual Music

         Spoof “Scream”
           “Six God”

         The Legend of Zelda-Temple Guide

         Ink Experiment
           3D  Poster
         GIF  Expression

Email: jsun79136@gmail.com
Instagram: @JJ_WEJJ
Name of Coca-ColaFri Apr 19 2024
In this project, I will create a 30-second storyboard for Coca-Cola. The background of this advertisement is that when Coca-Cola first entered the Chinese market in 1917, it literally translated from the English name "Coca-Cola" to "tadpoles chewing wax". Due to the strange name and special taste, sales were very poor. A decade later, in 1928, the Coca-Cola company became aware of the problem and then held a name translation contest in London. They ultimately chose "Coca-Cola" translated by Jiang Yi, a British student. The transliteration which is easy to remember and spread not only retains the English pronunciation, but also has more meaning. Since then, Coke sales in China have continued to rise.

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